What Value is Low Bounce Rate to Blogs

One metric that bloggers usually watch when accessing the health of their blog is the bounce rate with the aim always being to make it as low as possible. However, a low bounce rate is not necessarily good news. It fact, it could mean missed opportunity to earn with your blog.

Your focus as a blogger is to develop good content on your blog what users do with your content is not entirely up to them. Metrics like keyword targeting, unique visits, traffic sources, time spent on site are far more important metrics for blogs than bounce rate or pages per visit.

So what is bounce rate?

Bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that visit a page on a website and left without clicking another page on the website. So if a visitor enters your blog and do not click any link on your blog to view another page on your site it is regarded as a bounce.

Note that if the user clicks a link to another site on your blog, closes the browser, or spends enough time on a page for the session of your analytics software to timeout it will be regarded as a bounce.

So why is low bounce rate important?

The theory behind bounce rate is that bounces occur because visitors do not like your blog, or your blog is not engaging enough, is hard to navigate, or contains low quality content. Hence, bounce rate is often used as a scale to access how engaging a blog or website is. In such a scale low bounce rate means an engaging blog while high bounce rate means the opposite.

However, this simplistic view of bounce rate is not true for all types of websites, blogs especially. Bounces do not always occur because of disapproval of visitors. For example, a visitor clicking on an out bound link on your blog is not necessarily doing so because he hates your blog, but to get more information, which is why you included the link in the first. Note that Ads on your site and clicks to your social networking pages will also result in bounces.

Bounces contribute to pay day

Bloggers should not focus too much on bounce rate. Ads on your blog will result in bounces. So, if you use CPC or CPA advertising, they will result in bounces. Why complain about a bounce if it contributes to your pay day? Most bloggers are in it for the money.

Having too low bounce rate with CPC or CPA advertising means you are losing money or your Ads are not properly placed. It is time to monetise those low bounce rate. Remember, you may go out of business soon with your low bounce rate, if you do not make enough money on your blog to pay your bills.

Stop chasing low bounce rate

To have a perfect bounce rate on your blog you should avoid out bound links, write half hazard content with read more links all over the place, remove links to your social networking pages, and remove all ads. But what value will that add to your blog. Your focus should be writing quality content, proper keyword targeting, and easy navigation. These should be your focus not bounce rate.

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